The app comes up with 4K resolution support so never miss any detail while shooting memory or professional video for your routine work.
In the app will have a different set of resolution from 4K, 3K, 2K, Full HD, HD and SD you can set it dynamically and which is available to your device. All devices do not have all the resolution because the camera may not support.
On-screen both are given for lock and unlock, Square icon(Exposure) while Circle icon(Focus).
While shooting video most people don't know about the exposure everyone uses basic focus while shooting by a tap on the screen and focus on an object.
Use of Exposure: When you record video in the room there is light or daylight is fixed from the same direction in this case you can lock exposure according to lighting and all scene visible properly. While you move during the shooting exposure lock(lighting condition) remain to fix and video will become more beautiful.
Use of Focus: This will help while shooting video for the same position for an example product review, Video from the desk, Newsroom etc.
Shutter speed is defined as the time for open shutter and exposed the frame in those times.
Shutter speed is an advanced control and it's similar to the frame rate but not exact like FPS it's important to take video with the right settings. For example, if shutter speed value is higher then it'll give smooth result but here we need to look at the ISO as well exposure too.
ISO is used for quality and lighting when you set lower the ISO image quality will be more clear and sharp while higher ISO will expose to more brightness but lower the quality.
While you shoot the video for the outdoor in daylight generally you don't need to set ISO higher because already you have enough lighting at that time you can lower the ISO to get crisp video. Same way if you are in the dark environment and set more ISO It'll lead to give more brightness in the video but the video will have more noise.
White balance is widely used for adjustment of colour while shooting in different conditions and set colour based on the environment.
The colour range can be set from the white balance in general and it's come with the preloaded setting as well it can be set dynamically according to the scene if you want Red, Warm, Green, Blue, grey, neutral etc can be set dynamically. It's an advanced feature which helps to give new look to the video with White balance.
FPS mean Frame Per Second, Higher the frame more smooth video lower the frame then less smooth video. FPS can be set according to your need how and where you want to use the Video. In general, 30FPS is good to go and all major devices support 30FPS.
Also, more FPS will give you the smooth video but the size of the video will be increased but plus point is you can reduce the frame while editing and make it smoother too.
We have given the FPS range based on the resolution so you can set it according to your requirement and save it and ready for the shoot. FPS is varying device to device because it can be set supported FPS which will be in the list.
Right now in the app using HEVC encoder which provides best quality video for all-purpose where you can set the quality from Low, Standard, High, Higher and Max. Video can be recorded in up to 120Mbps based on quality selected.
Quality will be varied and increase the size of the video if it'll be set on Max.